Excel Services Event ID 5239

After a join of a second MOSS server an error occured withing the event log. Boring enough because within the standalone MOSS everything works fine.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Office SharePoint Server
Event Category: Excel Services Web Front End
Event ID: 5239
Date: 7/15/2008
Time: 11:40:06 AM
User: N/A
Computer: <YourServerName>
There was an error in communicating with Excel Calculation Services http://<YourCentralAdministration:Port>/SharedServices/ExcelCalculationServer/ExcelService.asmx exception: The request failed with HTTP status 504: Proxy Timeout ( The connection timed out. ).
[Session: (null)
User: <yourUserName>].

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


As you can see within the error message the Excel Services try to go truth a proxy. If you check the local settings on the server everything looks ok.

If you take a look within your web.config file you will see following section. You have now two possiblities to change the web.config to get a solution.

a) You can bypass the proxy server

          <proxy autoDetect=“true“ proxyaddress=“<YourProxyServer>“ bypassonlocal=“true“ />

b) You just disable the autodetect of the proxy server:

          <proxy autoDetect=“false“ />

Right now I’am not sure if we have any impact if you disable the autodetect. I would prefer to bypass the proxy for local addresses.


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